As you all may know, our newest courses, Well Transform, are a revolutionary 3 course series that is truly changing lives and helping women lose weight for good. Each course has targeted different aspects of what is truly the key to successful, permanent weight loss and the results have been astounding!
In the debut of our newest offering, Transform 2, we have added the additional benefit of expert interviews to incorporate into our 2x weekly live group calls. Recently, I had the opportunity to interview the incredibly talented author and psychotherapist Karen Koenig, the mastermind behind the transformative book "Rules of Normal Eating".
Karen is a renowned writer and psychotherapist who has been helping people heal their relationship with food for over 30 years. Her book is a guiding light for those seeking a more healthy and balanced approach to eating. It delves deep into the principles I teach within Well Weight Loss, and most specifically the Transform courses - the emotional and psychological aspects of our relationship with food, It offers practical strategies to overcome disordered eating patterns and find FREEDOM with intuitive eating.
For our full interview with Karen, and a recording of our discussion - feel free to join well Transform and we can send those recordings to you! Karen and Lisa came together for an incredible interview full of invaluable wisdom and tips for building a happier healthier relationship with food. We can't wait to bring you this transformative conversation!
For more information, and to read Karen's newest blog post, "What are you seeking when you Binge", click here:
Remember, it's never too late to rewrite your own food narrative and embrace a life of balance and well being. Together, let's embark on this journey! Well Weight Loss can be your guide!