This is really for Well Wednesday but I remembered something today that I thought I’d share!!!
For years when I couldn’t sleep when traveling, Id take a couple of Benedryl Tablets.
I was reading about the side effects of Benedryl a few years ago and learned that it can increase your appetite!
All anti-histamines can increase your appetite! I thought you’d like to know.
I wouldn’t say that I noticed A big difference at all but if you don’t need to take it ... I stopped it for sleep 😴

cbd and melatonin work wonders. I sleep like I am a champion sleeper. Of course, proper exercise and nurtition are a lot of it too along with no acid reflux but as I age, I hear people talk about sleep trouble and at 64, I don't have trouble as long as I have these things.
Melatonin is great unless you are diabetic or on certain meds
Can you just take melatonin as needed or do you need to take it every night for a period of time before it helps?
I use melatonin sometimes to help with sleep.
What are your thoughts about melatonin gummies?