Do you find it hard to love your body? I have overweight Friends that seem to love every inch of their body but I couldn’t do that For years! I love my body now 🙌
Guess what ??? It’s a daily choice!!!!! Yes!
Its a daily practice!! Focus on how awesome your body is!!!!
My body has delivered babies, walked a million miles, helped me take care of people, has recovered so beautifully after years of damage!!
Terry is here and we celebrate 🎉 everyday! We anticipate and celebrate being women, wives, mothers, boss babes, grandmothers, entrepreneurs.... We celebrate our bodies!!! No body bashing around here! 🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️

I just told hubby that when I get up from a chair, I just bound out of it and spring into action and go. No grunts, groans or slowness. I consider that to be a truly awesome body.😊
Celebrate friendship and love that defies thick or thin. I have that with Jennifer, my bestie. So glad we got to meet you together! Cheers to two friends I admire.
I think my issue was I had too much self confidence didn’t even worry about my body. Now I learned I was not healthy or honoring my life to live long. That is my future goal now plus a cute body helps lol. friends are the family you choose and are put in our lives for fun times.