This is why our Well Community and Lose with Lisa pages are so important!
I knew when I started my journey that the support would be crucial. I joined WW for that support and it helped 🙌🙌🙌
It didn’t take long before I realized the meetings were partly negative even though I had a great leader. So many people came for the support or to complain but most never made lasting change 🙌🙌🙌
When I started sharing positive posts daily on connect ( WW community ) I would get hundreds of messages from people who wanted to change but didn’t know how 🙌
The answer is really simple. Just do it and keep doing it and find others who are doing it 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Love you all!! Have an amazing week 🙌

I agree Lisa. I sometimes feel like the whole meeting was people complaining and being so negative. Which is why when I met you on WW connect October 2019 I started following you. This group we have here is always upbeat, uplifting and the best bunch of people to have in your corner 💕
This is a crazy combination of people of all shapes, sizes and personalities but one thing for certain is that we all want each other to succeed!
All of us pick each other up and that’s the key. Yes you can sit around and complain or say everything is working out for me abs your mind believes it !! Learned that from the best. YOU!! 😍
Thanks for always cheering us on! This healthy journey is far better together!